I am in the first round of revisions on my next memoir, Adult Braces, which details the restructuring of my teeth and my brain and my marriage between the years 2018 and 2024. It is FULL of gossip. My first memoir, Shrill, was written in 2015 and came out in 2016, when I was 34, and it turns out that in my 30s I did not yet know everything about myself! Adult Braces is by far the best work I’ve ever done, by a factor of a billion, I’m soooooo proud of it and soooooo scared of it, and I want it to sell more copies and reach more people than anything I’ve ever done, for many reasons and not all of them financial. To that end, my agent suggested that one way to get people hyped about the book is to start writing about my life more on here. “But Gary,” I said, “I only love to write peepeepoopoo on the Butt News!” And he said that the people love peepeepoopoo but they also love MORE THAN THAT. So I thought I’d start with an AMA! What kind of non-movie content would you all like to receive in your future Butt Newses? (Movie content will remain the main focus, of course!) And what would you like to know right now, today? I will answer as many questions as I can in the comments, and delete questions that hurt my feelings and make me mad. I am only human! Thank you for helping me with #Doing! #Marketing! I love you!
Why are you so pretty?
Would love to hear more about your adjustment to rural life - what are you experiencing socially, culturally, culinarily, politically, economically, logistically? I moved from Chicago to rural Missouri last summer for my husband's job (SOB) and it's been real, brother! Mostly I really like it but shit I miss Thai food and bodily autonomy. What do you miss and what do you love, in your cocoon in the woods?