Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023Liked by Lindy West

what’s crazy is that the movie is like OMG 140 pounds and even high school me thought that was fucked up…in the BOOK she weighs even LESS. I’m not sure what to make of that - like they realized when making the movie that it was ridiculous to act like 130 pounds was a lot for an adult human to weigh, so they went with 140 as the OMG number. People!! What are we doing?? The 90s were almost unsurvivable.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Lindy West

I shamefully have to agree with the "Hugh Grant is hot in this movie" bit, and I also honestly think that the moment with him stepping out of the elevator while Respect plays is one of the best character introductions I've seen in a movie and I stand by that to this day!!

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I only know this because I fixated on this movie in high school and watched it 400 times in a row on my tv/vcr combo--but the Ruby wedding party happens the next MORNING, and Bridget is just waking up vs going to bed. Also Hugh Grant’s intro with the opening elevator and “Respect” musical cue was like, a seminal confirmation of heterosexuality for young me.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Lindy West

I have to admit I find both the stammering bumbler HG of my 20s and the shitty bad-boy HG of my 30s pretty sexy. But that picture of him in the lake really makes the case for SBBHG!

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Lindy West

Lindy, your use of exclamation marks delights me every time!

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Lindy West

Not to be all "well in the BOOK" about it, but in the book there is a whole bit where Darcy rescues Bridget's mom from Julian, who has Ponzi-schemed all of Colin and Pam's friends, in a near scene-for-scene of the whole Lydia and Wickham disaster. I feel like Pam and Colin getting back together is slightly better earned in the book, because Julian is a much bigger manipulative piece of shit.

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023Liked by Lindy West

Yeah, this movie fucked with me, because I was basically the same weight as Bridget and an inch shorter than Renee Zellweger, and did not think of myself as a fat person at all, but there everyone was calling her fat. I was also just starting my career as a professional actor, so naturally I was pretty sure I'd fail at that weight.

The 90s were indeed fucked up.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Lindy West

I remember when the movie came out that there where photos of Renee Z. all over the tabloids and in my mind she looked AWFUL, but looking at this now she looks so good! What a mind fuck.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Lindy West

I laughed so much at this amazing post after a depressing day of job-searching. THANK YOU!!!! I think my blood is running at the right pace again

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Best wishes on your search!!! 💗

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Lindy West

Best Hugh Grant has ever been. I wore out this DVD, haven’t seen it in over a decade, now I have to watch it asap.

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I truly never "got" Hugh Grant in the 90s. But I just saw him chewing up all the scenery in Dungeons & Dragons and was like, THIS, this is the Hugh as he was always meant to be! Same thing with George Clooney. Always thought his face was weird til he was well into silver fox era, and then suddenly I couldn't get enough of him.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Lindy West

Brilliant! Given your appreciation for british TV you should get some Branston! It's available in many places with British things, or on Amazon. Great with cheese. Or in a ploughman's (advanced)

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Honestly, I have loved this movie for a long time. Probably because walking around with your diary in hand all of the time and not self-censoring when writing about the people in your life is something with which I identify. But I always felt silly for liking it. I’m going to watch it with a “good bits” lens next time.

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This review was high art.

“Hugh discovers her “absolutely enormous panties” and says “hello, mummy.” Reader. Why do I like this?” LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

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The books are so bad. But I hate the movies too. But the books are worse.

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