Perfection, and as always, thanks for the callouts about bizarre 90s diet culture. Weird brag: I lived in Lucy’s Chicago apartment building where this was filmed for 5 years; it’s on Logan Blvd at Sacramento. On my last watch this season, I was struck by how Lucy’s clothes are actually kind of timeless? Like, you could wear them now and not be unstylish. Anyway, fuck Meta & more Buttnews!

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Being a contrarian, I always chose WYWS rip-off “Mrs Winterbourne” as my favourite train-related, mistaken-identity fiancé who can’t tell family the truth due to an elderly relative’s heart condition and actually falls in love with the initially mistrustful brother film. But that was also highly related to my pre-teen crush on Brendan Fraser rather than any measure of film quality.

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Brendan Fraser was and continues to be a DELIGHT in Mrs. Winterbourne! The dancing in the kitchen!! 😍🥵

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Bill Pullman leaves me drier than microwaved bread, but Brendan Fraser is never a bad time. I've literally never heard of Mrs Winterbourne and am seeking it out immediately. Thanks!

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1. I wholeheartedly support you getting off Meta and spending your time wisely (i.e. writing amazing movie recaps for us butt lovers). It is a MEGA time suck, and chances are you’re not even reaching the people who are following you because Meta is the literal worst.

2. Speaking of shitty Christmases and tinsel, when I was a kid one of our pet budgies died on Christmas Day due to ingesting tinsel. Tinsel is lethal to birds, a fact we were sadly unaware of until that tragedy. So, not just cats in danger.

3. Peter Eyebrows Gallagher is so young!!! And I miss Bill Pullman.

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Oh and Bill Pullman is still alive! It's Bill Paxton who died rest in power king.

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Oh yes, I didn’t think he was dead; I just meant I miss seeing him on my screen. Such a cutie.

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obsessed with this movie since i was a child, thank you for reviewing. i also choose to see the closet/shoe moments as affirming. surprised to see no commentary on lucy’s giant cozy sweaters and how she pulls the sleeves over her hands…very adorable, very sandy b, very sexual to me as a child and yes i am gay now.

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Fuck Meta! Especially if it means more Butt Newses

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Honestly I think about Joe Jr and laugh out loud on the regular, he CARRIES this movie. My sister and I say “I LOVE BLACK UNDAWEARS” to each other and die laughing like it’s the first time at LEAST once a week.

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I love this movie. I love your commentary. I have big geography feelings about this movie because 1) peter gallaghers commute is literally nonsensical 2) the river walk is now a lovely thing that goes under all the bridges but in the 90s you definitely were going up and down steep stairs every literal block and 3) also that’s not a good way to walk back to Lucy’s apartment at all but 4) at least this was all before the fucking trump tower showed up there.

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LMAO i love a chicago geography fact-check!!!!!!!!!!

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His commute is like somebody living in Ravenna walking to the Neptune to get on a bus for one stop. Like walk one more stop? Did you take a cab to the El? Like why did you get out of the cab instead of going to your office?

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Okay and now I have finished reading. Incredible. This movie is so good and also so wild and I wouldn’t have it any other way (except for the body shaming diet culture BS). I honestly think that dinner scene with the whole family with dialogue about how creamy the mashed potatoes are, how tall Cesar Romero and other actors were, etc., is truly one of the best big-family conversation scenes in any movie. It’s so good.

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I also only consume your content here and am a fan of anything that means more Butt Newses!!!!

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Almost died at (#FLAPLIKEABIRDIE #STEPINTIME) incredible recap, thank you for the much needed laughs!

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Coming here to write this before I forget so I haven’t finished reading yet. But fun fact: I read the screenplay of this at the WGA library and the newspaper boy ice fall was in the script! However, I do know that they sometimes amend scripts after the fact to have a version that matches the final cut of the film. So I choose to believe that this WAS a bike blooper caught on camera and kept in for laughs.

Also, isn’t there a shot of some ice skating in the opening credits and some extra also falls down there? I feel like there is but would have to go back and look.

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I'm in favor of spending more time on Substack! Loved this essay! Cheered me up on a not great day. Thanks!

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Feb 8Edited

I agree with dropping the socials. I did it years ago and it’s magnificent. As such I only consume your content here anyway, so delete your other accounts with abandon!!

Also I had a cat who loved to eat string and once needed $1500 surgery to meticulously remove from his intestines a string he’d untethered from our area rug. We had to flush dentil floss down the toilet for his whole life just to be safe because he’d find it IN THE GARBAGE. So yeah. That tinsel is an insane choice.

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I recently dropped all the Meta socials and don't miss them at all! But I still waste too much time on Reddit and Bluesky, so baby steps.

Also, some people I know said they don't want to leave Facebook because of all their pictures on there, but you have the option to download all that before deleting.

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Thank you for bringing joy to my Saturday!! I live for new Butt News posts ❤️ I would love to do a writing class with you, and am hoping that you eventually do one in the evening for Pacific Time 🤞

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Noted! Thank you!!

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