Omg please (if you has the wherewithal, the time, emotional, capacity) do the other two films. I truly became a paid subscriber as soon as I saw you were doing Fellowship. **heart eyes**

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I will! I promise!!!!!

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I just need you to know that I became a paid subscriber halfway through the first part (because I haven’t laughed that much in a long time) and NOT because I knew that I needed to subscribe to read the second part now. That’s just a bonus!!

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Please, please, please do the whole trilogy. There are mighty few things in this world that make me literally laugh out loud, but Butt News is one of them. I became a paid subscriber after reading Part 1.

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DUDE you are not allowed to make me laugh that hard

"Boromir, who has stepped away to rate the Argonath on Wikifeet."

The next newsiest of butts will be T2T & ROTK, right? right????

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Imo your finest writing ever. EVER. You make it look easy when I know it's really not. I hope I will spot you at a bar next time I am in Seattle so I can send a drink over to your table in celebration of this PERFECT PROSE. Thank you so much for doing what you do.

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Tbh Lurtz has amazing cheekbones!!

And I sense Orcs have frog genitals.

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Subscribed after part one in the middle of the night because work this good deserves to be paid! Lindy, you are a national treasure.

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What Sophie said and I also just stayed up way past my bedtime to read part 2 and can’t stop cackling and now I’m going to have the weirdest Hobbit-feet dreams.

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The way Legolas articulated the words, "A lament for Gandalf" sparked an obsession that I have not gotten over to this day!

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Great, now I have NO CHOICE but to subscribe, because the amount of laughing I have done since discovering your website this afternoon has almost eradicated my generalized world-anxiety and low-grace miasma of depression! Despite being an avid Lindy-appreciator since the Jezebel days, I somehow DID NOT KNOW this site existed, and am now in the mildly uncomfortable position of being grateful to reddit for the knowledge 😘

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