Sean Connery died!?

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My first reaction too!!!!

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And lobsters pee out their eyes?!

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I am forever and always Team Disney Robin Hood. I haven't seen it since I was eight, but I don't have to because those foxes and rabbits and singing roosters live in my soul. "Ev-er-y toooown....has its ups and dooooooooowns. Sometimes the ups....outnumber the downs....but not in Nottingham."

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Bless you for writing this Lindy!! Made my day. I feel like I remember an awful scene where it is implied the Sheriff tries to sexually assault Marian and it is played for laughs - like we just see an "oops!" type face from her? Is this just me?? Cannot bring self to rewatch. I feel some films are only safely re-experienced via Lindy West recap, seriously.

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Happy birthday, and THANK YOU for this glorious gift today. I saw Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves in the theatre when it came out, and then never again. However, I have watched Robin Hood: Men in Tights dozens of times (it was my go-to comfort movie in my 20s, and one of the few DVDs I owned as a broke student). I am amused by how much of what you've recapped maps onto Men in Tights.

Anyway, this was delightful, Butt News is one of the newsletters that I literally squeal with joy when I see a new edition in my inbox, you're awesome, and I hope your 40s are awesome!!

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All movies portray being decadent and perverted as pure evil which is why Iam now a decadent pervert

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I remember seeing this movie in the theater when it came out and it being a Huge Deal that you could see his buns! Even though it's from extremely far away, and not actually Kevin Costner but a Buns Double. Some weird messages for a 13 year old girl to get.

Happy Birthday, Lindy!!

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Brilliant. I laughed the entire time. My brother and I still communicate mainly in RHPOT lines, namely “Fuck me, he cleared it” whenever we land a catapult!

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Do you... catapult a lot? I like the idea of this being a well-worn phrase for catapulting, namely b/c I hope there's, somewhere, lots of catapulting going on.

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BEST BUTT NEWS EVER!!!! Thank you, and Happy Birthday!!

I am still, to this day, deeply conflicted about my feelings about Kevin Costner. My mom thought he was a hottie, so I took that to mean I had to too. Then I re-watch these movies and am like 'did I really like him? He's so old. Is that a mullet?'

My mother also tried to pump me up to see this movie by saying you get to see his bare butt. Has anyone ever wanted that?

I've spent entirely too much time interrogating these feelings, but does anyone else in their 40s have a similar confusion about Costner? I feel like I can't be alone in this.

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I spent a lot of my youth in the exact same state of confusion about Costner! I'm pretty sure my first exposure to him was Dances With Wolves, and I was fully like, "Hey, Stands With a Fist, it's not that bad, I'm sure you could find LITERALLY ANYONE BETTER THAN THIS MAN WHO HAS ALL THE SEXUAL CHARISMA OF AN IKEA SHOE CADDY."

And PoT was definitely a formative "maybe I'm gay?" moment in my youth, in no small part because literally why would any human on any part of the sexuality spectrum pick KC's joyless ass over Maid Marian's russet curls and so-over-it attitude?

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I have seen this movie so many times, as I had a huge crush on Christian Slater. My husband and I still use "This treasure had a purpose. We must find out what," when we receive something random. I loved this review with all the hearts. And happy birthday! You're a national treasure (unlike KCostner).

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Remember last week when I ran into you at the bar and then asked you to tell me what movie was next and then you told me and I started absolutely ranting (sorry) about how KC didn’t even try for an accent? Like not even at all? And how back then people told me that I had to watch it to appreciate Men In Tights?? Me?? A 12 year old who was about to experience 9/11?? Watch KEVIN COSTNER?????????? Over Cary Elwes and his impossibly floppy hair???????? When I expressly said I was only interested in tight pants and raunchy musical numbers?? Believe women imo!

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(do you think that’s why he died too soon!?)~~ too soon 😭😭

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Please share your Patreon so we can also send you money that way! Don't want to share credit card info with yet another service.

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I tried watching this movie a couple years ago because ALAN RICKMAN, but had to give it up because it was So.Fucking.Bad

Your recap is everything and now I don't need to watch it. Thank you!! <3

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This recap of my favorite childhood movie, along with the possibility of you reviewing old Sierra games, made me decide to become a paid subscriber again. You're making my 90's dreams come alive. Happy Birthday!

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Happy Birthday....to your head AND your butt!!

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That bare-butt swimming scene made me so confused for so long. Like, I was a super horny kid, absolutely could not wait to get to all the dating and slow-dancing and sneaky hand jobs in the motel pool with a boy I met while on a family vacation... But the absolute dearth of eroticism encapsulated by that weird gratuitous glimpse of a dad-aged man's tan lines stopped me dead in my tracks. I puzzled over it for MONTHS, like, 'This is... Sexy? Marian is obviously a fox-- I would kiss her-- if, you know, I was gay, which I'm obviously not haha, she's just so pretty-- I think I'm just jealous about her hair, mine always just gets frizzy, I wonder what conditioner she uses, but also she's kinda baddass, and I like that-- like, as a friend, of course. But anyway she seems like she knows what she's doing, and she... liked that? What am I missing? I have never felt so unmoved by any body part of any human ever as I have by this. What's wrong with me?'

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