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Bowie speaks the truth!! I'm excited for this new era of Text Me Back!

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I haven’t listened to the podcast yet (eeek, it’s on my list!) but I love everything you said here and it’s absolutely true! I’m joining the Patreon now!

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Pig DNA here I come. You’ve made me laugh out loud too many times over the past few weeks for me not to pony up.

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I don't mind being subscribed in both places, but is it better for you in some way if I were to just subscribe to the patreon? I signed up for the patreon this morning at the big & hairy level, but I could change it if it is better somehow for you and TMB.

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Thank you so much for asking! You're so thoughtful! Short version is no--it doesn't matter to me if you're subscribed in both places or only one! I'm offering this option just in case people don't want to deal with two subscriptions. :)

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