Thank you for watching this so I never have to? Not that I was going to anyway but… it hurts.

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You are just so wonderful. Thank you for your voice.

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“I think it’s a film that’s going to change some hearts and minds, and that feels really good,” he said backstage.

UGH! I guess moving from fear and disgust to pity and smug superiority is technically a change of heart and mind. BARF. Lindy said it much better and I am not really adding anything, but I am so pissed and sad today so I just needed to vent. How is he still so clueless?

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Here for FL tour requests but: your articles on The Whale were brutal and poignant. Laughed, as always, but damn, can "prestige" drama find its way outta misery porn exploitation, ugh?! Now, on a fun note- happy for your shows, pretty please at some point c'mon down to Central Florida on your tour? Feminist comedy is a salve, we got a lot of crap to deal with here, much appreciated!❤️

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Fuuuuuuck the Oscars and that stupid movie.

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Found my way here via the Guardian article, and your Butt News on The Whale made me a paid subscriber. Now doing a deep dive through the archives -- wonderful stuff. Bravo!

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I was very much here for Butt News: The Whale edition, and I am very much here for this absolutely magnificent takedown in The Guardian. Agree with the other poster about your point re: the whale metaphor! What?! It doesn't even hang together! To hell with everyone who decided this was Prestige Cinema.

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There is just too much magnificent writing here to call out but the part about the metaphor of Moby Dick being “whale” was a fave. Grateful for your voice and your incisiveness and your goddam brilliance.

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Omg, your profile pic for the guardian 💖💖💖

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Also, please come to Philly with your live show. We have amazing sandwiches here!

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I came here to say this - so gorgeous!!

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This article was amazing…I immediately came and subscribed and look forward to your insights. As a fat person, The whale made me embarrassed to be in the theater. I kept slouching down farther and farther and at the end my (thin) friend said they loved it and my heart broke a little. I couldn’t explain to them how hurt it made me feel, and wanted to thank you for putting it in words.

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